The stock market does not
always rise. We know it, we fear it. Many investors are kept on the sidelines, or kept from committing wholly
to their portfolios because of the uncertainty, and because of the memory. I got killed in the last big market drop. What if I
blow the timing and invest just as the next fall comes?
Over the past 100 years, the
stock market has offered higher returns than just about any other asset class.
And if you're choosing the companies you invest in--
researching them as I've discussed here: vetting their performance, their
management, their products and their competitive edge-- then you have
substantially improved odds of doing even better.
US stocks have now enjoyed more than a huge 6
year bull market. In that brief time the S&P 500 stock
index, a standard measure of the broader market, has risen over 200%.
But it won't last forever. In
fact, the market has made almost no headway at all since the start of 2015. It could see
a correction, or a short drop, anytime. We could even get into "bear" territory, during which the index falls 20% or more. What many people don't realize is that this necessary from time to time in order to eliminate the excess confidence and money in the market that has accumulated since the last downturn. Think of it like a forest fire: massive tree damage and scorched earth, but ultimately essential to clear out the deadwood and put nutrients in the soil for new growth.
How does one
prepare for such an event? There are three general approaches, and
each has its advantages and disadvantages.
Option 1: Sell everything. In this scenario, I’ve decided the market is just
about to plummet, and I want to protect my gains over the past few years so I
sell my holdings to cash and wait for the market to do its thing and then rise
again. At that time, I tell myself, I will repurchase my holdings at a big
discount and hold them until the next drop.
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Option 2: Do nothing. Here, I have wisely recognized that the market is more
often up than down, climbs higher than it falls, and that the downturns always
hit bottom eventually and start to climb back. If I sell to protect my gains I will just
worry about the right moment to sell, the taxes I owe and then the timing to get
back in. So I'd prefer to do nothing at all.
This is not a terrible way to
go. Generally speaking the assumptions are correct: when the
market has fallen and then recovered, and all is said and done, your diversified
portfolio will be pretty much intact.
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That hurts |
Option 3: Keep the winners, sell the losers. This approach splits the difference between the first two options, and it’s a good exercise in emotional discipline and forward thinking. Here, I maintain my holdings if they are higher than my purchase price and I sell any stocks which have fallen since purchase.
Presumably, you're holding onto some stocks that have gone against you not out of stubbornness or pride, but because you believe they will turn around and rise. But if you believe the market will head downward before your losers come back up, theoretically putting those stocks deeper into the red, why not sell them to protect yourself? As there are no taxes when there are no gains, you can sell the losers without penalty beyond trading costs. And holding on to the winners and riding out the storm means no
capital gains tax there either.
Presumably, you're holding onto some stocks that have gone against you not out of stubbornness or pride, but because you believe they will turn around and rise. But if you believe the market will head downward before your losers come back up, theoretically
The primary disadvantage to this approach is, again, the pain of
watching your assets reduced. But I find that to be more than offset by the key advantage: you now have cash from the sale of those losers with which to buy
the newly discounted companies you’ve been watching. You will not know the precise
timing to buy those, of course, but generally speaking that’s not critical since you know
the market overall will recover and the prices are temporarily lower. Don't try to be perfect; a good deal is a good deal.
In the end, the market downs are a necessary evil to make room for new growth. Do not fear them. Look at them as buying opportunities-- everything on the discount rack-- and try to use them to pick up a couple companies you did not previously own. Your overall portfolio returns will be much healthier as a result of your strong stomach and your commitment to the long term.
Drifting to Fifty | Random unrelated nugget of the week
Never loan money to close friends or family. If the loan comes between you later it could ruin a critical relationship. If your best friend or your sister needs cash, give her the money. Maybe someday she will repay you, and won't that be a lovely surprise.
In the end, the market downs are a necessary evil to make room for new growth. Do not fear them. Look at them as buying opportunities-- everything on the discount rack-- and try to use them to pick up a couple companies you did not previously own. Your overall portfolio returns will be much healthier as a result of your strong stomach and your commitment to the long term.
Drifting to Fifty | Random unrelated nugget of the week
Never loan money to close friends or family. If the loan comes between you later it could ruin a critical relationship. If your best friend or your sister needs cash, give her the money. Maybe someday she will repay you, and won't that be a lovely surprise.